Sunday, September 9, 2018

The Nike memes are, like mushrooms overnight, proliferating and getting spicier.


  1. Paronto wasn't in Benghazi as some kind of patriotic military member. He was a well paid CIA "private contractor", in other words a mercenary. Not much different than the football player when it boils down to the bones.

    1. A contractor protecting the American Ambassador and his staff, as he was hired to do. That dangerous job can be done with a high degree of patriotism, given his assigned duty. At least the Ambassador and his people, as representatives of the United States, you would agree deserved more protection than what they got, in their hour of extreme need, from that administration, correct?
      And then forced to sign an agreement to say nothing about it. Which he did. Unlike Kaepernick, who risked neither life nor health nor any coin to promote a cause based on a lie, and then cashed in on his virtue signaling. Nope, nothing like the football player.

    2. "Well-paid?"

      Two questions:
      1) What was Krapperdick's contract salary, vs. Paronto's?
      2) How many people died playing QB in the NFL in Krapperdick's last active year, vs. how many Benghazi contractors died when Paronto was there?

      I'll wait while you Google that...

    3. Mr. Paronto and the others learned their hard earned skills in relatively low paying patriotic jobs, the military, prior to contracting. And, Mr. Mallory, had the contractors stayed "patriotic military member(s)," in your term, they would never have arrived in Benghazi as CinC and SecDef didn't have the courage to send military support. regards, Alemaster
