Wednesday, January 8, 2020

I'm upgrading to this. There's a lot of critters that wander by the backyard. I'm putting them on film - or pixels.


  1. This time of year, go to walmart. They will be marking all their game cameras down to avoid having to keep them for nine months until next fall. Best deals are found physically in the stores rather than online. I bought seven cameras regularly listed for $149.99 for $25.00 each.

  2. You are a bad influence Mr. C. W. Never knew I needed a trail camera...

  3. We've had some late night light snows this December, just enough to allow clear paw prints to show up. When I got up and went out, the snow had only been down on the ground for four hours and there were tracks for deer, rabbits, feral cats, squirrels and ( I think a possum).
    I think I'd have plenty of fodder for that camera.
