Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Another well considered take on the latest events overseas.

The Democrats have stumbled into yet another beartrap in their unanimous objection to President Trump’s order to kill the world’s leading terrorist, Iranian general Qassem Soleimani. 

There have been pro-Iranian and anti-Trump demonstrations in 70 different locations across the United States in the 48 hours following the death of Soleimani. After the Iranians, on the direction of Soleimani, attacked the U.S. embassy in Baghdad and destroyed the reception area on Thursday, the Iranian theocratic leader Ayatollah Khamanei announced to his Friday prayer session that despite Trump’s threats, “There’s not a damn thing he can do about it.”

A few hours later, Mr. Trump did something about it. It is shocking and disgraceful that the Democratic leadership and candidates have swarmed like the Gadarene swine to support Tehran’s side of this issue. The Democrats screamed that Trump would blow up Asia when he called North Korean president Kim Jong-un “Rocketman” and warned him of military action if he committed aggression or attempted to become a nuclear power.

No audible Democrat has understood that Trump cannot lose these arguments with Iran or North Korea. Land and sea-based air power, including cruise missiles, that the United States has in-theater in both cases, could destroy every relevant military target in North Korea, including decalibrating the artillery aimed at Seoul from caves just north of the Korean cease-fire line, in five minutes. The United States could also destroy every strategically relevant military and economic target in Iran in 30 minutes.


  1. Totally different reaction by the Demonrats and the MSM when Obama droned an American citizen without due process. None of said boo and if it wasn't for the conservative press no one in the MSM would have covered it.


  2. The phrase "like Gadarene swine" is a great one. Fits perfectly. The left are like mindless robots. I wonder how many are actually a paid rent-a-mob.

    1. Then there's the demonic possession part of the story.

  3. Warren, Sanders and Biden feel that taking up Iran's cause and shouting DEATH TO AMERICA is a winning campaign strategy. I beg to differ. But we'll see. I'm sure that the inner cities will vote for them.

    1. Just makin' Moochelle's nomination that much easier.

    2. Yup. Don't discount her. She's a dark horse candidate who's gaining traction fast against a field of clowns.

  4. Always fun to read Conrad Black's take on things, and I find that his analysis of the Trump long game has been right on the money over the past 2 years or so.

  5. Never want to see another dipwad dumbbycrat in the Oval Office. Not one of them has the brains God gave a goose......

  6. They have delusions of adequacy.

    They are an envelope without any address on it.

    And finally... *(They have all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire.*
    -- Hat tip to Winston Churchill
