Saturday, February 16, 2019

I'm thinking a trip to Raleys later and then.....


  1. Soon, the progs will kill off all of the beef and steaks will be a thing of the past. You'll get your issue of Soylent Green and you'll be happy to have it. Open fires like the one on the grill contribute to global warming. We need to do away with fire. All fire. You can drink your slimy Soylent Green ration at room temperature.

    And no more baked potatoes to go with the steak. The process of baking uses vital energy and the heat also accelerates the demise of the entire planet, you selfish sucker! No more sour cream on that potato either because cows will be eliminated from the face of Earth. No butter either. Just a cold, tuber, dug from the ground and eaten as is...nobody wants you to waste water by washing it.

    Vote Democrat to realize this paradise on Earth.

  2. You'll be happy to know I'll be doing my part to destroy the environment later when I fire up the Charcoal 5000 Mega-Grill to flame broil a dozen NY Strip Steaks for some guests. Loud music and adult beverages will also be involved. BTW, unethically harvested Shrimp will be served along with baked Potatoes. No safe spaces or grief counselors will be provided.
