Friday, November 16, 2018

Jerry Brown is a curse on a great state


  1. Factually, California = FAILURE.

    It's a well proven fact.

  2. Another 100 billion and the train to nowhere will be a reality. They need to raise that gas tax by another $2.00 per gallon.

  3. I don't know how much desalination plants cost, but there's a big-ass lake right next to the Camp Fire.

  4. Funny how they're all blaming Brown for the veto of the forestry bill, the one that passed with a unanimous vote in house and senate. I guess the enviro-nazis got to the reps before the override vote. We see who really runs the failed state that was my home. So now that Brown is on his way out, he's an easy target for the blame and all will be forgotten when Newsome ascends the throne. Idaho is beautiful this time of the year...
