Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Business took me to South Lake Tahoe today, and after the work was completed, I thought I should head to Nevada and fill the truck with some of that sweet, sweet Nevada gas (it's about 30 cents a gallon cheaper).

By the time I got home, I'd crossed Carson Pass twice, Luther Pass, and Kingsbury Summit, all in the course of chasing a buck.  I'd call that a good day.

Below is the Kingsbury Grade, coming down into the Washoe Valley of western Nevada.  The Sierra Nevada is on the right, and the far distant mountains are probably in California.  Plenty of snow left on the peaks.

Aspen shadows on the snow.

A lonely pine tree reaches for the clouds near Woodfords.

The aspens are still as bare as they can be.  The temperature was in the fifties even on the passes, so the snow is quickly melting away.  The water at the feet of these aspen will end up in the sink of the Carson River, many miles and several desert mountain ranges away, never to see the sea.

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