Thursday, March 28, 2013

A bit of good news for you today.

Over at Ace of Spades, there's an article about the quickening demise of the MSM.  Here is the good part:

    " TV networks are in serious trouble. There is no chance they won't remain major players , they have a lot of expertise tied up in contracts. And institutions tend to continue on.
But Amazon is going to get into the TV production game, and Netflixalready did. Meanwhile cable continues to cut into networks' ratings-- where it was once unthinkable that cable stations could beat the mighty networks, it now happens from time to time.
It will happen more.
Empire of Jeff posted on What This All Means in a comment earlier (when comments were working). It means further cultural balkanization, as specific entertainments (and "news" shows) are specifically tailored for specific tribe... which I'm not sure is such a bad thing.
We have had a shared culture in one area for years -- TV. But that's a pretty shabby medium to share a culture by, isn't it? Not exactly the sort of thing a civilization is proud of.
We've had balkanization in print for years and years and years. Because print was relatively inexpensive (compared to filmed entertainment), the market could easily pump out entertainments and nonfiction with less appeal to a general audience, but much stronger appeal to specific niches of that audience.
And who's to say that's worse?
A year ago Andrew Breitbart made what I thought was an absurd prediction: "In five years, all of this is gone. The media, all of it. Gone." Something like that.
Well, it might not be five years, and it might not be completely gone, but ground is starting to shake beneath us. Plates are shifting. Grand houses may well fall."

The sooner they all collapse, the better, but expect them to appeal to the government for help.  In other words, since their innate bias prevents them from succeeding in the free marketplace, they will in desperation make an effort to use the power of a sympathetic government to take your hard earned money through taxes.  It's as predictable as the sun coming up in the morning, so be on guard.

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