Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Posted on Patreon, but important enough to post here as well. Read and comment according to your point of view.

 Universal suffrage is a suicide pact.


  1. The two most detrimental events this nation’s history. The South losing the the war of northern aggression and women’s suffrage.

    1. There was NEVER a war of northern aggression. There was a war in which the south decided to attack and fight AGAINST the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.
      You can chose to stand with those that attack America but at least be honest about it. Stand with our enemies but know that you will not stand for long.

    2. Hearty amen Cold Soldier. Hearty.

    3. A simple reading of the "Preamble the Constitution" could easily have served as the statement Southern Secession.

    4. "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

      What part of the preamble implies that the south was justified in attacking the United States of America in Fort Sumter? What part of the preamble says that it is ok to own people?

      The south didn't fight the north. The south fought the United States of America and lost. Get your facts straight.
      If you want to quote the US Constitution you should also read it. You may learn a thing or two.

  2. I read the article you posted. What a load of crap!

    There are so many factual mistakes with that article that it is impossible to state them all.

    First the article assumes that the number of votes a party gets could be correlated to the size of the army that "side" could have. Then it uses that false analogy (most people would not be willing to die or kill for a political party) to assume that the Republicans could amas a bigger army than Democrats. Never mind that in real life the last Republican to win the popular vote was Bush in 2004 riding on the shoulders of 9/11. If votes correlated to armies the Democratic "army" would have killed every Republican "army" by millions since 2008. Clinton received 3 million more votes than Trump, Biden received 7 million more votes than Trump and chances are Harris will also get more votes than Trump. Trump may very well win the electoral college and become the next president but there is no scenario under which he gets more votes than Harris and therefore if we accept the premise that votes=army size then the Democratic "army" would be larger than the Republican "army".

    If we are going to assume that votes=army size=capacity to hurt the other side and assume that the Republican army would be larger than the Democratic army, then why not get rid of the electoral college?

    At some point the article makes the case that hereditary power is better because it ensures that those who have been here the longest have a personal stake in keeping the country “nice”. If you believe this, you should take a 7th grade civics class. There you would learn about John Locke (limited government – kings are not sent by God), Hobbs (social contract), Montesquieu (3 separate powers) and so on. The idea that your political power depends on how long your family has been on this land is not only unamerican it also sets you back 600 years. You are 3 beers away from suggesting women should wear burkas and walk 5 steps behind her man. The Taliban would be proud of you.

    Later the article argues that the Democrats base in made mostly of civil servants, high ranking officials and childless cat-ladies. While Republicans are blue-collar workers, married couples, and entrepreneurs. In other words, Democrats “live” out of what Republicans produce. Unfortunately, the real world also disagrees with this notion. In the last presidential election Biden won in 25 states and Trump won 25 states. If the premise of the argument, Republicans are hard workers and Democrats are living out of what republicans generate, were true then the states that Trump won should be wealthier. But NO. In the real world the 25 states that Biden won generate 70% of the American GDP while the 25 states that Trump won generate only 30% of the GDP. Furthermore, most of the states that Trump won receive MORE from the Federal government than what they contribute. That means that following the article’s logic it is Republicans that live out of what Democrats generate.

    I could go on and on for days. A junior in high school would get an F if they submitted an article as poorly reasoned as this one.

    I can only suggest you read the classics (Locke, Montesquieu, Madison, The US constitution, Adam Smith, Hobbes, etc). Stop reading crap like this that only poisons your mind.

    1. I'm sure you could go on for days. You sound like a progressive that will have to tell everyone how they should live their life because you are smarter than those that do not agree with you.

  3. @ anon 904 am
    You sound like a flaming Democrat / Communist
    The electoral college ensures all states have a voice rather than New York and LA electing our executive officers.
    I think our forefathers had the correct idea when only property owners could in the game.
    A big problem with gov't in general is drawn from a simple " what party do gov't worker donate to " , 95% donate to the flag ????
    As for elections, especially 2020, I don't think I'll personally accept any again, until we 100% go to paper ballots that are hand counted and cast by citizens with picture ID.....hate away

    1. American citizen = skin in the game.

  4. Which usually would be fine except they demand we follow
