Monday, October 28, 2024




  1. And then, starting in the late 60's, that went out of favor and was slowly replaced by coddling and now 50 years later we have a society where half the population pisses all over itself if you look cross eyed at it. "MY PUSSY HURTS!"

    1. You are always so upset that I can see why your pussy hurts!

    2. While Ghostsniper seems to be "upset" a lot, the words that he wrote are 100% true. Too many f*ckin' parents want to be "friends" with their offspring.

  2. Talking back to the Irish Catholic Nuns at parochial school could also be life threatening.

  3. Agree with the sentiment. We Olde Phartes still have our FAFO scars as proof. What ghostsniper said. Thank you, Dr. Spock.

    Sam ain't the guy for this meme. Looks like CSM Plumley has come out for Harris–

  4. Drat. Above comment @12:26 PM posted by me.

  5. Seems that both of those are the same reason: natural causes.

  6. A former neighbor of ours used to say; "Things went downhill when they took God and the paddle out of our schools!" I tend to agree with that sentiment and with Sniper.

  7. My dad was my pastor (Southern Baptist) AND he ran the discipline program at my high school in rural Appalachia. Nothing worse than getting the paddle from your old man at school, then getting the belt when you got home. This was in the ‘80s, so I guess we were 30 years behind wherever ghostsniper grew up.

  8. Since Sam Came out as gay (well as a Harris supporter almost the same thing) I really have no time for anything with him on it. Fuck Him.

    1. And here lies to problem with our great country at the moment. People aren't prepared to listen to the point of view of others. We all have opinions, and views but they are our opinions and views, and not for anyone to say they're right or wrong. You may agree or disagree but your view or opinion is no more valid than the next person's. We are supposed to be a democracy. A democracy doesn't work if opposing parties can only say fuck you to each other. That's why we're in the divisive mess we're in right now.

  9. Democracy sucks! Restore the Republic! And Sam Ellioott can go away and die.

    1. We have a republic. No need to restore anything. The republic is sound and healthy.

      Democracy is the tool we use to choose our leaders in a republic. If we scrap democracy how would you suggest we pick our leaders? How would we limit our leaders power/worst instincts?

      You are assuming that we can scrap democracy and that you will agree with the leader that takes over/gets installed. What if you don't? What is that leader goes after you/your family? What if that leader crashes the country into the ground?
      Democracy offers a solution for all those problems. Bad leaders can be voted out. North Korea, Cuba, Russia have not been able to shake their bad leaders and Koreans, Cubans and Russians are paying the price.

      Be careful what you wish for.
      Read the classics (Locke, Hamilton, etc). There is no limited government without democracy. There is no limited government if leaders can't be removed.

    2. If you don't want a democracy your choices are limited to kings and dictators. Examples, Hitler, Stalin, Mao. Take your pick.

  10. We have a limited Constitutional Republic in name only. Democracy is mob rule, and it's not how we pick our leaders (see the Harris selection and the Electoral College). If you don't understand the difference, I can't help you.
