Tuesday, October 29, 2024


 Tactical Hemostatic Tourniquets Single-Handed Application for Outdoor Emergency(4-Pack)

Commission Earned


  1. These aren't "magic wands". Like ALL medical equipment you need to learn when, why and how to use these appropriately. Take a class. Better yet go to your community college and do the work to become an EMT..which should include time spent in an actual clinical setting learning real world skills.

    1. You can find a Stop The Bleed course by clicking here. Its free and will take you maybe 2 hours.

      Also, as others have noted, these tourniquets are often counterfeits. With all props to our host, I don't buy any tourniquets from Amazon. Any tourniquet less than $33-ish is probably a fake.


    2. thanks azlib!!!!!! very good insight

  2. Cheap Chinesium knock-offs of the genuine CAT from NAR.
    Caveat emptor.
    You get what you pay for.

    1. If you have experience with them what difference who makes em?
      Same if you don't have experience.
      The key term here being "experience" which most people are averse to learning - til it's too late. I was an army medic in another life long ago.

    2. with the chinse-ium ones the plastic crank snaps off like an icicle in the cold, just 30 deg F and thats it your

      buy direct and ones with aluminum cranks, i know from first hand experience, even the genuine ones with plastic cranks can break in cold weather sometimes, got to store them in pouches next to your body heat

    3. What Anon 7:27A said.

      Cheap crap performs like cheap crap.
      But if somebody's life (or your own) isn't worth the extra few bucks, by all means, buy cheap crap for lifesaving interventions.

      Just spitballing, but I'm pretty sure there's not much market for discount parachutes either.

  3. don't care about readers, want the comish!

    1. Rude and presumptive comment.

    2. That's LibTardTroll again...

  4. If you ever need more than one the situation is well beyond just needing a tourniquet. And, yeah, buy quality not quantity. Get training before you get equipment.
