Tuesday, February 21, 2023

"I think I’m a bit better looking than she is." - Anne, Princess Royal, on being told by a horse show spectator that she looked like Princess Anne.



  1. She has her dad’s pithy sense of humor and has aged well. It’s a pity she wasn’t first-born, her brother is a colossal jerk. Anne is the best queen England never had.

    1. Male takes precedence in succession to the throne even if he has ten older sisters.

    2. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-22300293

      Succession To The Crown Act (2013)
      First born, first in line, from 2011 onwards.

      Pity Elizabeth didn't indicate she wished to skip Chuck and go with Anne when she had the chance to designate her successor.

      The nation, as a whole, would've probably leapt at the opportunity.

  2. She certainly was shapely.

  3. She hasn't aged well.
    The most frequent comment made in later years about Princess Anne is more along of the lines of how much she resembles her horse.

  4. You can see the inbreeding.

  5. She's just channeling her inner Henny Youngman.

  6. I'm a hardcore Irish Fenian. I have no hard feelings for that girl. She's also a dedicated Scottish Rugby Team fan. I've worked in Murrayfield (look it up) and she sits at every game right among the fans. Her brother however, may be the last king and I'm delighted about that.

  7. I thought it was one of the BeeGees for a sec.
