Thursday, January 16, 2020

Your Good News of the Day: Illegal Alien Crossings Down an Extraordinary 78 Percent

I like how the title of this article uses the correct term, not some mealy mouthed Orwellian word like "undocumented," as if they left the house in the morning and simply forgot their papers.  Hey, we've all done that, right?

Donald Trump's policies to deal with the crisis on our southern border are working as intended. Mark Morgan, acting U.S. Customs and Border Protection commissioner, says that daily apprehensions of illegal aliens have fallen from about 4,000 at the height of the crisis to around 1,300 now. What's more, the 21-day average is less than 1,000 -- a 78 percent drop over the last year.

Noting that Congress has done little to change outdated immigration laws, Mark Morgan, acting U.S. Customs and Border Protection commissioner, said that Trump took action and built relationships with Mexico and other Central American nations that now hold immigrants seeking to come into the U.S. until the government gives them the green light.
“This is not a political statement, it’s because I believe it and because it is true: The success that I just outlined is absolutely a direct result of this president’s strategies,” said Morgan, a career government officer. He added, “We are succeeding in addressing this crisis.”

More winning.  The guy is an absolute political unit.


  1. Not so fast Senior Gringo president. No victory laps for you: 01/16/2020-Migrant Caravan Embarks From Honduras, Posing Challenge to Region. Hundreds of Hondurans, many with hopes of reaching the United States, streamed toward the Guatemalan border last Wednesday.

  2. Lil napalm can solve that situation..
