Sunday, January 5, 2020

Wretchard opines on the Iran/US conflict, and does it well, as usual

Well worth the read.

A snippet:

All of a sudden the issue of Iran can no longer be locked up in a dark closet. To the question: "What will the IRGC do now that it has not already done? Kidnap foreigners? Strike military bases? Sack embassies? Assassination attempts? Target GCC oil interests? Send out militias to crackdown on adversaries?" the answer is simple.  They have to own up to it.
This creates some painful dilemmas for Tehran.  Given the strain on Iran's military resources it is unlikely it can mobilize any more combat power to throw at America. The most significant effect will be political. Western leaders can no longer sit on both sides of the fence.  Already the anti-war movement, which until only a few days ago was comparatively oblivious of Iran, was out in force across the nation.


  1. Excellent write up. Trump bringing this conflict out in the open unlike the last 6 Presidents.

  2. Finally, after 40 years we have kicked Iran in the shins. This started in 1979.

    Some claim the embassy attack then was in response to our sheltering the Shah but I ask you, if you have achieved power and control, to what end does it serve to attack the biggest military force in the world? Well, they knew Carter was a milquetoast and they attacked to embolden other militant activists and they succeeded.

    We have postured and poked Iran here and there since then sending absurd amounts of money trying to 'BUY' good will only to have them continue killing Americans since.

    The big mistake was Iran leading the attack upon our embassy in Baghdad. They must have been playing poker hoping to bluff Trump so he would not retaliate. Well, Trump sees our security at home and abroad as being the most important aspect of his job as Commander in Chief because he carefully but with great prejudice took out their #1 leader in all manner of horrible murders and attacks along with #2.

    It is one thing to have a reputation for being a tough one to mess around with and another to be one you NEVER mess around with. I prefer the latter.

  3. As to the "anti-war movement", there were fewer people at the rallies than you'd see at a lunch rush at Chick-fil-a. It's the usual cobbled group of save the whales, pink hats, tranny rights, aggrieved souls, etc. The media likes to puff the numbers with camera angles.

    An anti-war movement may form, but the death of Soliemani and friends isn't enough of a catalyst. There are a lot of people who want to re-live the sixties, and have nothing better to do.

    1. There are a lot of rich people who want to re-live the turmoil of the sixties, who have nothing better to do, and can afford to hire proxies to show up and protest whatever they're (the proxies) are being paid to protest.

      How else would expensive printed signs appear like magic, and the signs in Portland look like the signs in SanFran which look exactly like the signs in NYC which are remarkably similar to the signs in Washington DC, all printed and distributed within an hour of any action to be protested? Hmmmmm...

      Not that I'm a conspiracy nut... nope, not me.

  4. 'Way back when, it was posited this whole mess was kicked off when Jimmy Carter cut off the money paid to Ayatollah Khomeini to sit quietly in Paris.

    1. More like Jimmy the Dhimmi Carter cut any support or protection to the Shah, openly supported the Ayatollah's return, expedited his return along with the French, and then was flabbergasted when the Ayatollah turned around and bit his big, stupid, peanut-farmer's hand, along with the rest of the US.

      Carter's close advisers and ambassadors supported the return of Khomeini.

      Dumb-butts, dumb-butts all.

    2. Shit like this is why "Worst President Evar" is such a close call between Jimmah and Barry.

  5. yes, iran is stirring the pot almost everywhere you look in the middle east and southwest asia. the turkish president is doing his part with the help of muslim brotherhood dutifully supplying training weapons and intelligence agents for terrorist acts thru out the region. Iran is shutting off water to Iraq causing drought in some areas, Ethiopia is building a dam at the head of the blue nile which will effect the egyptians aswan dam power generation. so many paddles stirring the pot you need a program to tell the players apart.
    The only country I have not noticed doing dirty to its neighbors with long term results lately has been Israel. but they will eventually get blamed for everything anyway so...
    russia has re-entered and re-engaged in the area with weapons sales and what not. looking forward to china entering the fray once they complete isolating formosa and japan from their neighbors.

  6. Thank you for linking Wretchard's piece.

  7. It's enlightening watching the left defend honest to God terrorists because their impotent rage and seething groundless hatred of President Trump wont allow them to do otherwise. Possibly the greatest accomplishment of his presidency is the unmasking of said leftists and the exposure of their true nature.
