Sunday, January 19, 2020

This one's for Susan - it is, after all, Sunday!


  1. ohhhhhh man....YOU. ROCK.

    You're killin' me with beauty here....all of a piece.
    I recognize that last photo....found by archeologists in a late 1st century B.C. house in Nazareth belonging to a certain Joachim and Anne. :)

    Thanks made my Sunday. As if the photo theme didn't leave me misty enough, the Allegri brought me to sobs. sublime indeed.
    You and Mrs. CW will be the main intentions of my Rosary tonight.

    ”It seems unbelievable that a man should perish in whose favor Christ said to His Mother: ‘Behold thy son’, provided that he has not turned a deaf ear to the words, which Christ addressed to him: ‘Behold thy Mother.’”
    --Saint Robert Bellarmine, Cardinal-Bishop and Doctor of the Church

  2. Beautiful, Beautiful soundtrack to an overcast stormy day in the questions here *why* yours remains my *favorite* site of the entire internet. Somehow, you seem to 'hit it' just right every time...and the photos are simply incredible...Thanks, Curt! [someday, if you get a chance, you might want to try the Bokker 'Ebenholtz' Straight razor if you get the chance: best i've found yet...]

    1. Thanks for the kind words, and I'll keep an eye out for the Bokker.

  3. Thank You for a beautiful post. I don't feel so bad that I didn't make mass today...
