Saturday, January 4, 2020

The listing isn't clear how much property comes with this but at that price, there must be a lot of it.

A nice looking house in a lonely spot.  If you see that as an advantage, then this ranch is for you.


  1. I wonder if there are trout in that little stream?

    1. That was my thought, Great place for brookies!

  2. 3,345.12 acres of my lottery dreams.

    Jeremy P.

  3. I am from Oregon and have hunted pronghorns around McDermitt and have been on Zimmerman Ranch Rd lots of time and fished Sage Creek and have never seen this ranch. I would move there if I had a spare 6 million laying around, it is God's country down around there.

  4. Hey, you like it , you mow it...........

  5. Ya know, its funny....

    Different people from different backgrounds living in different parts of the world at different socioeconomic statures all look at that photo... snd are speechless.
    Why is that? What is it about a place like that, that all men, from all backgrounds, recognize it for the slice of heaven I bet it is....

    1. "You ain't no kinda man if you ain't got land."

  6. I would move there in a heartbeat. Oh, wait a minute. 5.25 Million?
    Well, crap. Didn't win the lottery, so not moving any time soon.
    Then again,it's been for sale off and on for two years. So, there's a chance I'll win the lottery and it will still be available.

  7. Give up my Tupelo swamp & hardwood bottom full of deer & ducks? Nope.

  8. Beautiful, but that's a long way from anywhere. And that's part of the beauty. Just south of there was a ranch that raised "Coyote-chasing greyhounds". Yeah, I'll bet those greyhounds can bound over the sagebrush with ease. Those ranchers are pretty smart guys.

  9. Wait a minute. Five and a half million dollars and 0 bedrooms. I guess you would sleep under the tree.

  10. 3,000 acres in that part of the country is not going to pencil, unless you have a lot of spare cash lying around, even then...
