Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Strange but impressive skill


  1. That looks tricky, but avoids hammered thumb syndrome. Though I'd end up catching a hammer with my forehead.

  2. Now let's see him wire up the chandelier.

  3. Think of the pain that it took to perfect that trick.

  4. About ten years ago I had seen the longer video of this. He starts on a step ladder then juggles the tools, spins while all three are in the air. Without missing a beat he continues to juggle as he walks over to under the beam. He takes a bow with a toothy grin at the end.

    I've met these kind of guys before. Usually they are drywallers or roofers. Crazy and crazy good at their work. Does the work of three men in half the time.

  5. Once I knew a circus performer who could juggle cannonballs, but this looks more useful. If I ever need a juggler who can hammer a spike into an overhead beam, now I know who to call!
