Thursday, January 9, 2020



  1. I believe that is a 1942 photo.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

  2. The Legend. The Deep State of the time had him murdered. Yes, it was a car wreck, but then his neck was broken and he died without becoming conscious. There's a lot of documentation to that effect. America would have made him President instead of Ike... and he would not have supported the military industrial complex the way that Ike did.

  3. My dad was one of the pilots that flew Patton around Europe and he said Patton was a SOB but would fly him to hell if that was where he wanted to go. His soldier loved him, he would push them hard but he was fair and forthwith them and would also march happily but grumbling to hell with him. My dad admired him. I too share the same thoughts as LL as my dad did. A damn shame he didn't live, he would have set the left back 200 years and dismantled the M/I deep state.

  4. He was the Dude decades before Lebowski!

    1. Yeah.... but instead of lounging around drinking a bunch of White Russians, he'd be drinking the BLOOD of a bunch of White Russians.

    2. You got the reference!
