Monday, January 20, 2020

Meanwhile, in Richmond, Virginia, massive crowds of citizens peaceably assemble.

Click through to see the video of most of the folk there.

Apparently lots of open carry in spite of Northam's illegal order.


  1. Despite the good intentions of 2nd amdt advocates, I predict VA is going to fall to the leftists and go the way of NY, NJ, CA, MD, and MA. A short armed or disarmed citizenry is no threat to an authoritarian government. "Get caught with a gun, go to jail" is the mantra of the left. Release the criminals, empty the jails, give felons the vote, import the illegals, kill the babies, disarm the citizenry, what could possibly go wrong?

  2. ” A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” PERIOD.

  3. article 1, section 13, Constitution of the State of Virginia:"The RIGHT of the PEOPLE to KEEP and BEAR ARMS shall NOT BE INFRINGED." the nazi left needs to delete that article before proceeding. Maybe they can get YouTube to help them find a way.
