Thursday, January 2, 2020

Meanwhile, as Castro's boy Justin Trudeau parties, and the paste eating EU bureau-weenies sweat and tremble in anticipation of the arrival of the God-Emperor and his team of wolverines...

After Wilson, the hero of the recent Texas church shooting, was named the leader of America’s military operations abroad, terrorists immediately surrendered in a panic, knowing they had no hope of avoiding a one shot kill administered by the grizzled Texan.  Wilson was airdropped in behind enemy lines but didn’t need to fire a single shot.

“Please Sahib, we agree to an unconditional surrender, under whatever terms you see fit,” blubbered one ISIS leader nervously after turning himself in to a grizzled Wilson.  “Please do not hurt us.” 
Wilson then moved his hand, and hundreds of surrendering terrorists hit the deck, scrambling for cover and wailing for mercy. But he was just reaching for a breath mint, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un likewise gave up his nuclear program and immediately resigned, agreeing to turn the country into a true democratic republic right away and apologizing for decades of civil rights abuses. “No need to send Mr. Wilson over here,” he said, sweating. “We are complying with all of America’s demands, and from henceforth I shall be a vegetarian."
Wilson accepted their surrender, provided they repent, believe the gospel, memorize the Constitution, and are baptized.
Tee Hee.


  1. ...and then I woke up, rolled over shut off the alarm clock, muttering something about being retired and went back to a sound sleep and dreamt of claymores and M-67s bursting on the perimeter while mortars fired up flares and dropped frags upon the assholes who desired to take what is mine from my cold dead hands.

  2. Such a breath of fresh air compares to the former groveler on the world stage.


  3. Boy, I'm tired of seeing that felonious filly sucker's face.
