Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor


  1. Replies
    1. LL, I have a bud who was a bombardier in the USAF who's favorite saying is use a tack hammer instead of a sledge hammer.
      how many GBU-53B can a buff carry anyway? the answer I got from him was "alot". B-52H can haul 70,000lbs ordnance divided by 250lbs equals 280 bombs gps guided with 110Km range. that's a stretch I believe as far as available stations. and they sent four of these things to DG. from DG, to Iran, they wouldn't even have to air refuel with this loadout.
      how much you want to bet someone has assets in the indian ocean between diego garcia and the persian coast just waiting for something like that.
