Saturday, January 11, 2020

Leading Aircraftman R.P. Coulson removes the guns from a Canadian Spitfire which was heavily damaged, near Grave, Holland. March 1945.


  1. "Ops Boss wants to know if it'll be ready to go by tomorrow morning."

  2. If they had another right wing from the same mark spitfire laying about. Then Yeh. The crew might have had her airworthy by mission "GO" the next morning. Most WW2 aircraft were modular and really easy to keep flying if they weren't badly shot up and you had parts.---Ray

    1. wrenched on a spit many years ago. definitely not a modular construction. mostly custom parts, lots of hand fitting to be done. but yes, they would have it ready to go the next day or two and would have had a wing laying about. The RAF has long had a req about not using crashed parts to make another flyable. do not.

    2. on the up side, no fuel in the wings, just guns, ammo and wiring
