Thursday, January 2, 2020

Jack "One Shot,One Kill" Wilson strikes again


  1. Looks like some people did something. No biggie.

  2. While I'm as patriotic as the next, and I'm well aware of what Iran was up to in the region.... you do know this just started the next middle east war, right?
    Not saying it wasn't inevitable, not saying they weren't asking for it (who is meddling in whom's backyard exactly?) But this was an incredibly stupid move by our commander in chief.
    You did not take the head off of the cobra, you created 1,000 more!

    1. The current and constant Middle East War predates recorded history. The Iranians are a footnote and quite frankly, so are we.

    2. Time will tell, I guess - I'll wait and see what the news brings. Iran (and the region) just lost an important asset and agent provocateur, and the intel suggests he was busy planning a major op against American personnel and interests. Seems to me a surgical strike with very limited collateral casualties is a sign of deliberate control and consummate skill, not recklessness. I would imagine other antagonist decision-makers will be thinking twice from now on.

  3. Esmayeel Qaani will be, I assure of that....

  4. Jack Wilson strikes again... excellent headline.
