Sunday, January 26, 2020

In the era of cell phones, there is no escape.


  1. This reminds me of an incident back in a high school 1955 basic math class when a less than sterling student nodded off. Mr. Calentoni a former WW-II G.I. saw him, picked up an eraser from the blackboard and hurled it across the room hitting the kid square in the head. Knocked him right off his chair. The rest of us got the message and there were no more nappers. Needless to say the incident was seen as a life lesson and not a vicious attack to be reported to the police. Think what would happen today and then look at the kids the Millennial culture has spawned.

  2. There's another one similar to this, with a guy sleeping in the front seat of a passenger vehicle, which comes up behind a semi-tractor being towed on the highway, facing backwards. The other guys all start screaming and the guy wakes up, sees the semi-tractor grill right in front of him.....what would we do without all our friends?
