Tuesday, January 14, 2020

If you're going to grow a beard, this is how to do it.


  1. did that. 17 years. itching, scratching, brushing, dandruff, hair caught in coat zippers and yanked out.

    shaved it all off. sitting in a bar, trying to figure out who the twit staring at me in the mirror was, and it was me.

    1. Knew a dude years ago who NEVER went without a full beard. He showed up for a Halloween party 1 year, clean shaven, and nobody knew who the fuck he was, until he spoke. It was surreal.

  2. I'll pass on the gas mokey garbed hipster faggot look. Thanks all the same.

  3. WE see the epic beard, I want to see the hands, if rough and calloused he walks the walk. Manicured, just a faggot cum dumpster.
