Wednesday, January 15, 2020

I thought impeachment was a serious matter, Nancy? Why all the smiling? Meanwhile a far more focused and serious Trump signed a trade deal with China

And the party favor pens - I want one too!


  1. While watching her initial remarks, I became convinced that Pelosi has suffered a stroke very recently. Her eyes are shrunken, her speech is slurred and repetitive. Her thought processes are disjointed and her word choices very curious. She starts a statement, stumbles, then repeats the fumbled word several times before continuing. She also seems to lose her train of thought easily.

  2. Replies
    1. Drunk on her ass. The only way the staff knew she had a drinking problem is that she came in sober one day.

  3. She's smiling cause she's the center of attention, she's slurring cause she's drunk

  4. I was dumbfounded that she fumbled the pens over and over again. They were in the tray in one direction, so she would know which ones she had already used. The intent was for her to use a pen, sign part of her signature, then put the pen back in the tray in the opposite direction. Watch a tape of the signing--she fumbles that simple procedure again and again.

  5. Interesting watching Forrest Trump use a pen. The only thing he writes is his name and that's a series of well practiced straight lines, only slightly more distinctive than a cross.

  6. And how much did those silver platters of ink pens cost the American taxpayers?

    There needs to be term limits in Congress and the Senate.

  7. The Democrats have sunk so far, that this is what represents America. Shameful.

  8. Such a somber, solemn, prayerful process.

    That NP is such a complete mess and the left and the MSM adore and shield her is very telling.

    She can't put two thoughts together because she doesn't have two thoughts!

  9. ever notice how nancy's tits get huge when she tells a lie or has impure thoughts? it's amazing. I wonder if hydraulics is involved.

  10. Anyone notice the tips of the pens are identical to bullets?
