Thursday, January 23, 2020

I didn't know that there was this French sovereign territory, a gift from the Ottoman Empire, in Jerusalem.

On Wednesday French President Emmanuel Macron toured Jerusalem's Old City with a police escort as he attended the Fifth World Holocaust Forum in Israel. 
He especially wanted to visit the Church of St Anne, just like some of his predecessors, given it's specially designated as French sovereign territory since being gifted by the Ottoman Empire to France in 1856.
The church is considered the best preserved Crusader church in the region, and dates back to 1138. By popular belief it enshrines the home of the Virgin Mary and her parents. 
But President Macron's trip to the French national treasure was marred when he personally entered a spat with Israeli security, berating at least one Israeli officer to "Go outside, please!" in English

The historic Roman Catholic church is located in East Jerusalem — on the occupied Palestinian side which is also the Muslim Quarter of the walled city. 


  1. They ARE flying a French flag over the building.

  2. ...and I think his point was that since all churches are considered sanctuary, since forever, the police, no matter who they are or what country they're from, have no business being inside in uniform. My take any way.


  3. in as much as the French government had sent 300,000+ Jewish French Citizens to the Nazis just because the Nazis asked for them, the Israelites may someday "remedy" French ownership of land in Israel; church or not.

  4. Since when is a city built by the Jews in Israel thousands of years ago on "occupied" territory. Fuck the pali slimes, raghead shit should have been given a dirt nap 50 years ago.

    1. Hmm. that's certainly one way to put it.I recall that in 1948, the Israel's were fine with their arab neighbors staying. the arabs pulled up and left on their own accord. they were for the most part the poor and politically ineffective. today, their progeny believe the lies told them by their foolish parents and those with hatred in their hearts; so become the fodder of such hate and the kine one drives before their enemies. as my elder brother quotes often to me "fuck the doomed".

  5. That's gonna be a little trickier to surrender to the germans...

  6. At least the Church of St. Anne appears impervious to fire. As the Fwench sleep.
