Sunday, January 5, 2020

Apple Pie and Chevrolet


  1. Yes, it's ironic in the extreme. (it would have been worse for you, CW, it it had been a Dodge).

    And an aloha snackbar shout out to my Shiite friends (no I don't have any, but if I did, the whole snackbar thing would certainly apply)

    1. A Dodge would have spontaneously combusted rather than carry that guy to his muddy hole.

  2. Rather than debating Chevy v. Dodge here, I'm left to wonder if this wouldn't have been better served with a MOAB, some other fuel-air explosive, or just a couple of racks of GBUs or various sizes and shapes. These little parades, including the candy distribution variety, need to come to a shredded, bloody, smoking halt.

    If they want to come out and cheer on murder or a murderer, then give them all they can eat.

  3. The flag above the truck and the one on the soldier's shoulder indicate the procession is in Iraq, not Iran. Not surprising that there's a US made truck and uniform and other kit ( though I couldn't see the rifle) in Iraq.
