Thursday, January 2, 2020

An Update of the Epic Variety

An official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told The Associated Press that Muhandis had arrived to the airport in a convoy to receive Soleimani whose plane had arrived from either Lebanon or Syria. The airstrike occurred as soon as he descended from the plane to be greeted by Muhandis and his companions, killing them all.
A senior politician said Soleimani's body was identified by the ring he wore.
This will go over well in the Middle East. -- we joke about Trump, but who is the Strong Horse now?

If Trump manages to rile the Iranian people to overthrow the mullahs and free themselves - and the majority there want that with all their hearts, I see the possibility of an triumphal procession through those lands that has not been seen since the days of the Romans.

This might indeed get epic.  Stay tuned.

Aaaand right on cue.


  1. Trump, the adult in the room making the hard decision to smite a terrorist without hesitation...and the limp-wristed weasels on the Left are so predictable in response.

  2. There will be no doubt some extremely painful reciprocity.
    There was always a danger with such an active figure that the US would play to its cloud cuckooland internal mythologies and neutralise a ‘bad guy’ in their massive blundering , misunderstanding flailing through international events like a drunkard with a knife.
    The US understands nothing. Period. US comprehension of the world is through cowboy vigilanteism, and tough guy posturing , threats , gangsterism and violence and attempts to solve every issue internal and external and diplomatic with extreme violence.
    It could be that Trump has just picked the fight that the ‘Israel’ lobby craves so deeply. It would seem to be crazy and suicidal after Iran has just completed the military drills with China and Russia , as Iran is now emboldened strike as it pleases backed as it sees it by the other 2 Asian Super powers , and an assassination of Soleimani may well have removed the council , skill and restraint Soleimani placed on events to guide them to be less confrontational.
    This would seem to be an outright declaration of war.
    Everyone who knows anything knows that if you prick Iran with a knife , you will receive a 1000 painful cuts in return , this has been the disincentive.
    To overturn the chessboard is not a victory it is pure anarchy.
    To send the pieces flying in the air is to be entirely careless of the variables of where they can land.

    1. Anonymous, you're the Greta lover too, ain't cha?

    2. Ha ha ha! Oh, wait. You're not parodying an anti-American British socialist. You're actually serious, aren't you? Well, bless your heart!

    3. Anonymous, do you bump your head on the floor five times a day?

    4. Have you heard of Alexander The Great?

  3. The world's biggest terrorist just started a war.

    1. Has he? Was the low level conflict already going on to be ignored? Does Iran, and by that I mean their totalitarian rulers, really wish for a full on war with us? Could they last a week?
      I don't think there will ever be a full on invasion of Iran, as it won't be needed when it's own people are aching to rise up and throw off their oppressors. The mullahs just now finished brutally fighting with their own internal dissenters who have been rioting in the streets of multiple Iranian cities. Is that what a legitimate government has to do? Nope, the response to the mullahs provocation was appropriate, and while they might respond in one way or another, it won't be anything we can't handle, won't be much different than what they already are doing now, and won't look anything like a full on war. They grow weaker as time goes on, while we re-establish our credibility there, and continue our anaconda plan to squeeze the mullahs in every way until they fall.

  4. I don't know who your anonymous poster is - obviously afraid to name himself. But he's an idiot.

    The attack on TERRORISTS, plotting another attack took place in Iraq. If Iranian terrorists want to be safe, maybe they should stay in Iran?

    1. +1 LL

      Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and Qasem Soleimani were killed in that airstrike. They are responsible for most of the Iranian meddling in Iraq, Kuwait, and Syria since the early 80's. Muhandis was responsible for the bombing of the US and French embassies in Kuwait back in '83. Kuwait had a wanted "dead or alive" warrant out for him. Muhandis' most recent activity was head of the Kata'ib Hezbollah militia that has been a terror organization in Syria and Iraq the past few years.

      Soleimani was a high ranking general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard and for the past 20+ years the commander of Quds Force. The Quds is the Iranian version of the NSA and CIA all rolled into one.

    2. Just a reminder: TNT, nitro, bullets, high explosive bombs, or rocket launchers have been contaminated with pork, as these items all contain gelatine or glycerine from pigs.

    3. Terrorists have been put on notice - make yourself a pest enough and someone will decide to swat you. But Anon above does make a point, not about the terrorists themselves but the people who use terrorists to get their political agendas done (finding good help is so hard !)

      I hope Trump has good people watching his 6, he just put a major shot across the bow. No lack of will there - bravo Mr. Trump !

  5. I hope they used the "slice 'em & dice 'em" flying Ginsu missile.

  6. Tsquared is correct. Their carcasses were atomized with quantities of much for the 70 virgins.
