Monday, January 6, 2020

A More Sober Take On The Soleimani hit

The scene was indeed set perfectly. Washington could not have chosen a better time, as after a series of protests from Baghdad to Tehran and Beirut, Soleimani had lost some public support and was seen as part of Iran's suppression system against people and their free wills. The attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad had also turned the majority of Iraqi political forces and the international community against Soleimani as the highest — albeit unofficial — leader of the PMU. The location turned out to be perfect as well. The strike took place in Iraqi territory, raising questions among the Iraqi public about the reason for an Iranian general being present in Iraq, especially after accusations facing Iran-backed forces of killing Iraqi protesters and abducting many of them. Selecting a quiet place in the airport also prevented the killing of any civilians that might allow Iran to victimize themselves and demonize the United States.

This all indicates that Iran and its proxies in the region most likely would not seek revenge in the near future and — in regard to Iraq, in particular — would not lead Iraq to fall into a civil war or mass destruction, because it would lose even more in Iraq if it takes such a risk. 
Iran is also very unlikely to push its Iraqi political forces to go ahead with legislation asking US troops to leave the country, as this would raise strong objections from Kurdish and Sunni forces and push them to work for separation. Iran would be the first party affected by such a dangerous move. 

So, if this analysis is correct, Trump did pull off a well planned strike against a malevolent influencer, and calculated correctly that other than some mortaring and typical hysterical Middle Eastern hysteria during the funeral, nothing of substance would happen to us.  No WWIII.
But certainly something of substance has happened to Iran and it's proxies.
Time will tell.


  1. You're on point.

    The Democrat Party is a band of mutants.

  2. Appears Trump does nothing of import without careful consideration, allows the rational among us to ignore the rabid Chicken Little's. He also managed to get the Left to support a terrorist.

    I read the "vote" was a sham, stacked deck as it a 6 cyl. muscle car from the 70's, all show and no go.

    LL - Best concise description of the Dem Party..."mutants"...explains everything.

  3. From your keyboard to God's ears, C.W.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

    1. If this episode gave the People nothing else, a new acronym is added alongside "arkancide". we now have "hellfired" to describe the movement of malevolent souls from this mortal coil to their proper destination. Imagine if you will satan shoving a pineapple up "mani's" ass just like he does hitler.

    2. I love the vision of jamming a hellfire up a terrorist's ass. Kinda makes the other Iran General's comment, something to the effect that "America can't do anything about Iran" from a couple days earlier, moot.


  4. Killing Soleimani was a major mistake and a major escalation of the conflict with Iran. Iran will take vengence. Also, we will be expelled from Iraq and Syria. If we are so stupid as to go to war with Iran, our empire will be destroyed, even in Asia.

    This is an histrorically stupid act, on a par with Ausro-Hugaria’s attack on Serbia. Empires died because of that. If we attack Iran, so will ours.

    1. their not a single message board you aren't posting your idiocy on?

    2. LoL. It's a giant leap from surgical strike to "oh nOES we're going to warrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!" Relax, princess, nobody's drafting you.

  5. A Baghdad Mozambique.
