Saturday, June 1, 2019

Your Good News of the Day: First rare earth processing facility outside of China to be built in Texas

Blue Line Corp., a chemical company based in Texas, is the first and only company outside of China that can process small batches of rare earth. They just partnered with Australian rare earths mining company Lynas to build a processing facility in the U.S.
“The group of materials we're looking at doing are the heavier rare earth materials and there's no commercial plant in the world that is actually separating these materials other than inside China. And these are very strategic materials that are used for a number of high tech and defense applications,” said Blue Line Corporation CEO Jon Blumenthal.
However, moving the supply chains will take some time, he said. 
“It would take about a year of construction and then this next year to start up. So we're talking two to three years to get into production,” Blumenthal said.


  1. For some reason, that link doesn't work. But this one does!

  2. We’re self sufficient in oil. Now rare earth elements are next. And China can suck eggs

    1. We used to be self-sufficient in rare earth, until all the processing plants were boxed up and sent to China.

  3. Suck eggs and harvest organs from citizens who utter badthink.

  4. Hopefully this plant will be held to strict standards.....processing rare earth's out of ore is very dangerous and can be very polluting.
