Saturday, February 16, 2019

Things haven't improved there


  1. Rhodesia was a relatively nice place, given the nature of Africa.

    Zimbabwe (the new progressive Rhodesia) is an open sewer. We should light off a neutron warhead over the place and clean it out. Then we can bulldoze it and cover it with solar panels to advance the green agenda

  2. Was in Rhodesia in the mid-'70's, and found it to be a relatively happy and prosperous country, despite ZAPU and ZANU and other armed factions trying to impose the idiotic and racist Black rule and its attendant economic and social destruction, and also despite the world's embargo on the country. So how does the destruction under Black rule make the country's decline somehow acceptable?

  3. I was there in December of 2016. I don’t think the average Zimbabwean would even recognize the current bank notes. Wanna see some full on groady dollar bills? Go to Zimbabwe. That’s what they use and, as you can imagine, the US Treasury isn’t refreshing the supply.

    Believe it or not, the hellacious conditions are not easy to see as a tourist. The countryside is very pretty. I’ve been in plenty of places more crapped out.
