Saturday, February 2, 2019

Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Radio Telescope National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank, West Virginia

Considering the associations of who this is named after, shouldn't we be clamoring for another appellation?


  1. I'm Kraving to see the Koolest new TelesKope.

  2. They need to drape a big white sheet with a peaked cap and eye holes over the antenna.

    1. Heh. I was thinking the very same thing...what's white and pointy and reminds you of Robert Byrd?

      ....paging Mr. Christo, Mr. Christo....West Virginia is calling.

  3. I once read a list of buildings, highways, etc. that bore his name. I
    was fully expecting to see his name on a public crapper. This is
    almost as bad as Harley Davidson branding except that Byrd was building
    momuments to his ego. Looking at an HD branded duct tape roll on the counter,
    I almost asked the counterman if they sold Harley branded sanitary
    pads. I already had a name picked out: Hog Hankeys!

  4. He got his name put on things all OVER the state.

  5. I'm not questioning the naming of the telescope as much as I'm questioning it being in West By-God was an optimum choice.
