Tuesday, February 12, 2019

It had Socialism


  1. The brain trust of the Democrat Party.

  2. AOC criticized the GOP Senate for ignoring a bill that hadn't even cleared the House. She's a gem. https://bit.ly/2BwJjWK LMAO

  3. Ask yourself this: How did a bartender for nine years who could hardly pay her rent win a Senate seat by a mere [low turn-out] four-thousand votes meteorically rise to become the mouthpiece of the Democrat party? Answer (mine anyway): Soros...she's bought and paid for.

  4. An avowed Socialist riding in a Limo: Something you see more often than you think you would. And to deepen the irony, the louder the avowal, the better the leather seats. She's got a real Politburo thing goin' on.
