Wednesday, February 6, 2019



  1. Pooplosi shoots herself up with buttload of botox and Chuckie S. looked like a constipated goose. The klan ladies couldn't find their hoods and Bernie wanted to go drink himself into a stupor. Best SOTU speech ever !! BTW, could someone please find Ocassional-Cortex's helium bottle and hide it?.......

  2. The last picture, it has a good dental hygienist.

  3. The Democrats still have a lot of followers and contributors. I can but ask the question, why?

    Oh, I know, free cheese, free Obamaphones - and all sorts of free stuff paid for by the 47% who pay taxes and vote the other way.

  4. LOVE the Statler and Waldorf pic!

  5. the hyena is Gods answer to the need for a land shark. notice the lack of molars. like a shark, the hyena need not chew the gob of flesh it had torn from the critter who ran just a little to slowly.
    gotta have some way of eliminating the slow from the gene pool.
