Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Good look, ladies


  1. They (Democrats) along with the majority of Republicans in the Washington D.C. Beltway Politicians Club are motivated by one thing. Trump a non-politician threatens them and the inflated egos. There everything to out him is on the table.

  2. Selfish female victory over any other triumph. We’ve all met ‘em haven’t we boys.

  3. Last time I saw that many democrats in white robes was 1861. Just an observation...

  4. A long time ago I thought "women sufferage? of course, how is this even a question?"

    Now I've become a curmudgeon, and think "it all started going downhill when women got the vote, and look at the mess we're in now."

  5. quite a few women sitting in congress were not dressed all in white. the white simply allowed us to easily find the ignorant twats in the crowd.
