Saturday, February 11, 2017

Everyone should have one.

Just finished making two eggs over easy and green salsa in my little 6" cast iron skillet. Perfect for the job. Worth it's weight in gold.  Mine is a Wagner that I got at, of all places, an antique store, but this little guy from Lodge will do the same good work for you, and it will last for generations.  I'm also using a Griswold that is was made in the 20's.  Cast iron lasts forever if it's used.  Recommended.   


  1. I can hear the bleats of the millennials now: "But it's not Teflon coated and the dishwasher won't clean it. Icky poo my poor fingers aren't going to scrub that relic."

    1. Their loss. I'm going outside now and sink my arms elbow deep in garden soil. Spring's a'coming, and this is the first sunny day in a week.

  2. One? Many is more like it. Makes the food taste better than any other kind of skillet. I even had my wife get me a 12 incher for my birthday about 35 years ago because the ten wasn't quite big enough........

    1. Funny coincidence taminator013,

      I gave my wife my usual 6 incher 35 years ago and she left me.

    2. How did I know that someone was going to go there? Figures it was you, Bogside...........................

  3. Almost forever. My grandma's cast iron pan she inherited from her great aunt in the 30's finally went Kaput. They figured if was about a 165 years old and had been used almost every day of that time. I think they got their money's worth.

    1. I only ever saw one that went bad. My mother was frying something and all of a sudden there was a loud wang sound. That baby cracked almost in half and was leaking the little bit of grease that was in it all over the burner. Never did figure out what caused it. Must have been a flaw in it or something.............

  4. They do get brittle..I did something stupid with one I'd had for 30yrs. And broke the handle off....Ticked me off.I'm sure it only cost me $.75 way back then, at a garage sale..
