Saturday, March 8, 2014

Gun Porn

Smith and Wesson Lemon Squeezers.  Everyone should have at least one.

The term "lemon squeezer" was originally a small pistol held in the palm of the hand, with the barel protruding between the middle and ring fingers. Squeezing the gun in the palm pushed in the firing lever on the back side of the pistol to fire the gun. It was a revolver, but instead of a cylinder, the cartridges were held in a flat disc, similar in arrangement to the Lewis gun, arrayed radially.

When Smith & Wesson introduced their hammerless top-break, it was dubbed a "lemon squeezer" as it had a grip safety. Then when the S&W Centennial was introduced, it too, had a grip safety and has been dubbed "lemon squeezer."

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