Sunday, March 23, 2014


Indian (Sind) chainmal helmet with face mask,
This Mask is made in Mughal fashion. The mask was used by full clad armored cavalrymen, especially mounted escorts, paiges and retainers. This type of helmet was inspired by the burkha ( Islamic female veil) and are named purdah or purdha. 18th century.

Doesn't look like that face mask would stop much of anything - too thin.

National Museum, Krakow Poland.


  1. It's all for looks and you can't see out while riding a horse or fighting afoot. Which means that while cute, I'm sure that the Darwinian effect was profound in their use. (allah be praised)

    1. Which is a likely reason it's in the Krakow, Poland museum. Went up to fight the Poles, and never came back.
