Sunday, March 2, 2014

Anvil Porn

These lovelies are American made and can be purchased here.


  1. I remember as a young man doing landscaping with a drug addled co-worker who, as we were looking at a large anvil said: "How'd ya like to find that in the bottom of your pool?" I've never looked at anvils the same..........and I've never owned a pool.

    1. Hahahahaha! Now I'll never look at them the same either!

  2. those are a European anvil not English thou and I think they are cast which I don't like and to me they are awkard but some people like them. your friend truckwilkins

  3. My Peter Wright anvil is 168 pounds and has suffered a lot of abuse before I got it. Not a square corner to be found. and no where near the table surface area of these. They're absolutely huge! Sure would look nice next to my forge.
