Tuesday, October 9, 2012

If this doesn't tick you off....

A Michigan plant that recieved a 150 million Department of Energy grant to build batteries for electric cars has not in fact built a single battery and is now furloughing workers.   Can bankruptcy be far behind, since last I heard, you had to make and sell a few batteries to be solvent as a battery factory?

Another Obama green energy failure perfectly timed for the election.  Those Obama boys couldn't have managed this any better for perfect political impact.

And keep in mind that that is 150 million dollars that productive people had to earn by getting up in the morning and going to work doing or making something that others wanted to buy.  Now it has been taken from them forcefully by the government and wasted.   In spite of this latest example of financial malpractice, politicians everywhere are back asking for more tax money that they can waste on such boondoggles. Soon, we who produce the tax money may simply decide that enough is enough, and tell the government to stuff it, and keep our money.  "Our money" being the operative words here.

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