Monday, October 14, 2024

How much did all that cost the taxpayers?



  1. nothing its a russian lcac

    1. The title didn't say "American" taxpayers....

  2. That is a Russian ship.
    Are we concerned about Russian state finances now? If that is the case then I would guess several billion dollars. A few hundred to pay for the equipment and the rest to line Putin's and his friends pockets. You know, the usual dictator fee.

    1. LOL Russia's CORRUPT. OK

      F35 Thunder turkey vs Russian Sukhoi stealth fighter

      Ours cost 120 Million BASE COST

      Theirs cost 30 Million Standard configuration.

      Oh yeah, theirs has been unsuccessfully shot at by several anti-aircraft systems in Ukraine. Ours?

      Oh, sorry IDF lost two or more (questions) by "Bird Strikes" over Syria against "unsuccessful S300 missile attacks".

      Oddly the IDF STOPPED Flying within the range of S300's because of hazardous Muslim Birds.

  3. Zubr-class LCAC landing what looks like a BTR-82A APC.

  4. At first glance, I thought it was a UN Navy airboat. Silly me. Yes, Russian Zuber-class landing craft.

    1. CORRECTION: That should read: "US Navy" airboat.

  5. What we should be concerned about is how much we are spending on illegals rather then our own people

  6. Pretty cool. It comes with two Dales.

  7. A giant segment of our population views the words "provide for the common defense" as a free pass for the Pentagon/DOD to spend whatever it wants on whatever its friends in the MIC want to sell them. Maybe at some point these folks will finally wake up and realize that virtually NOTHING since 1941 (and even that is questionable since FDR actively provoked and allowed Pearl Harbor) has been about actually defending the US. But all the fancy air shows, flyovers, etc. give all these folks giant hard ons instead because they don't even want to truly face just how many hundreds of billions if not trillions have been STOLEN and WASTED on things that have NOTHING to do with actually defending this country. Nor do they want to face the truth that the greatest enemy of the American people has always been under the domes of the capital buildings of DC and the state capitals (and city halls).
