Saturday, February 4, 2023

The dogs like her



  1. Here we have another beauty that is actually a lethal killer. Finally we see Anglia, the gal that is always posting here about how to make train loads of easy money on-line. From her jail cell in El Salvador, Anglia continues her crime career trying to scam CW’s followers with promises of easy riches. Although we are aware of Anglia trolling this site daily, most are not aware of how she used to lure unsuspecting men of their wallets with promises of love with a quick shot in the noodle using a Beretta 950 chambered in .22short. It was not a complex scheme and certainly not new. Shapely Anglia would select a target at one of the many ex-patriot bars around San Miguel, engage in suggestive conversation with promise of some quick love in the alley. Anglia was apparently hard to resist, and while the dude was reaching for her bra strap she would reach for her Beretta and send her victim to the next life, without his watch and wallet. Almost nobody pays attention to a single gun shot, especially late night in a major El Salvadoran city. Probably not much different than a single gun shot at night in Detroit or Los Angeles. By the way, it does not take a genius to run this scheme and loads of Anglia’s are coming across the border to a town near you. No, the armpit nations of the world are not sending their best and brightest engineers and doctors across the border to enrich our lives with their culture, but I do like the food trucks. My woke cousin said to me “They are coming across the boarder because they are just hungry!”. No, McFly. There are loads of really BIG girls wading that river and they are not coming here just for a free sandwich. Also, the uneducated labor group will eventually have negative effect on my kid’s summer lawn mowing business. If someone wants to make San Diego look and operate just like Tijuana, just wave the good folks on in, give them an Obama phone and other free stuff and give it just a bit of time to ferment. The fermentation process has already started. Back to Anglia: She got away with this simple scheme for quite some time until she killed the nephew of the local province chief. From a jail cell, Anglia now perpetrates crime on-line and today she is finally unmasked.
    -Nick Badway

    1. Well, she's still good lookin', and those dogs do like her, and appearances can be deceiving, but the apple maiden up above could be just as, if not more, dangerous.

    2. You have issues Nick…

    3. Nick's story makes a much sense as anything else I've heard about all this crap.

    4. Cool story bro.

  2. ------I'm believin' it's best to NOT reply to any of THOSE types of comments.

  3. I wish that I was her third dog and nuzzle up closer...

  4. Comment 1: too long to read or care about. The dogs like her, so there must be something to that...
