Tuesday, February 14, 2023

And organize with your neighbors.


Rural Home Defense: A cop's guide to protecting your rural home or property during riots, civil war, or SHTF


  1. Our place is 10 miles off pavement in a rural area to specifically avoid the riots.

    1. Similar here.
      Remus rule: avoid crowds
      ghost rule: avoid everybody
      rule 2: ample firearms and blades and lots of experience

    2. The importance of knowing your neighbors, and whether they actually can be organized, is of vast importance prior to the SHTF.

  2. He's got quite a few books out now, fiction and non-fiction. His website is https://www.donshift.com/

  3. I'm leaning towards a minefield, and maybe an alligator infested moat.

    1. Funny about the alligator-infested moat. I worked at a mental not-prison outside of Gainesville, FL. Place was originally designed with, yes, a moat and a barrier of Spanish Bayonet plants because only crazy people would climb/crawl through spiky plants named after bayonets and then swim across an alligator-infested moat. Get that? Only crazy people, you know, the ones in the Mental Not-Prison (not guilty by reason of insanity) would... yeah... uh huh.

      Moat quickly filled in, standard Real Prison double fence with razor wire installed after only the third 'resident' left in the first week of residency.

      This was the same place where the 'Unit Treatment Clerks' weren't allowed to defend themselves, but had to call the guard shack for actual security guards to eventually come to them on the huge assed complex.

      Great planning... not.

    2. Yup , signs they probably won't, can't read are not noticed.
      Yet the smell from the pile of bodies , they certainly will.

  4. I will be interested in a cop's version of self defense when I can get a cop's immunity for defending myself

  5. Here's a simple proposal, erect a sign that says: "Nothing on this property is worth your life".

    1. heads on pikes say the same thing in ANY language.

  6. When the defund movement started I recommended that the town house Home Owners Association issue addendum to the home owners guide: range card overlay, command and signal annex, and a voluntary ammo inventory disclosure for cross leveling.

  7. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B39TSPGY?&linkCode=sl1&tag=d01b3-20&linkId=a3387d054c9fddb9cf5e943802ee7b67&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl

    It's only $14.99...

  8. I ordered the paperback copy, plus the Kindle version.

    Then I noticed the title indicated "RURAL" defense.

    However, I live in an apartment in a senior apartment building in the heart of the city.

    But after all, how likely is a riot (or whatever) in Vernal, Utah, whose population is mostly White and "Mormon" (i.e., The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints), plus, Utah is a "Constitutional carry" state?

    This area is historically "Outlaw Trail" country, consisting of mountains and high desert, a long ways from anywhere, in the middle of American Indian reservations.

    I think our biggest threats are our community's acceptance of illegal aliens, and the rampant scourge of methamphetamines.

    1. Only 9 meals away

    2. Tweakers in Vernal?! We got 'em by the truck load here in the grand valley but I never woulda guessed Vernal was infected. :( Sorry to hear it.

  9. Don't forget to keep a shovel and a sack of lime handy.

  10. a better book might be the one on booby traps and the like. remember to cover all
    ways of coming at you too. like old rail lines, power lines, any easy way to travel
    minefields only work when they are covered by protection fire.
    booby traps on the other hand,, remember this. people are lazy, they will always take the easy path. but you should or better cover the other or harder paths as well. any wood areas should have tangle foot in it as well.

  11. Good book, well written.

  12. I'd imagine a driveway lined with the heads of previous attackers on pikes would be a powerful deterrent... I've never tried it but, well, you know, modern problems require sometimes not so modern solutions.

  13. Too bad "A Failure of Civility" stopped publishing years ago. This new book probably has much the same info.

    Evil Franklin
