Wednesday, September 6, 2017

A serious blow on St. Maartin down in the Caribbean

And people in California worry about earthquakes….


  1. You need a home constructed of reinforced concrete and a solid metal roof. And even then?

  2. My sister's son Tim lives in central Florida (Kissimmee) and being young & indestructible (he's 24) he is staying there, though his mother lives in N. Texas and has offered to pay for his airline ticket out.

    I wouldn't want to be there just because of the probability of power failure. Being stuck in Florida with bugs, heat, humidity and no A/C isn't something on my Bucket List!

    I've had some experiences with tornadoes Down Under, and the high winds can pick up bits of trash & suddenly they become deadly instruments of destruction. A piece of metal from a roof, picked up & flying at 100+ mph, can slice right through a refrigerator!

    Now I've seen some of the destruction that Irma has left in her wake, and I'm really beginning to worry about Tim. I'm praying for him, and everyone in the path of that thing, that's for sure!
