Friday, September 29, 2017

The Mount Rushmore of Selfies

Leaders of the Uniparty.

I'm conflicted about this image.  On one hand, it's good in this time of partisanship to see former presidents of both parties socializing amicably.  On the other hand, the infamous bold faced lying and multiple stupid decisions of these three are to a very large extent the reason we are where we are today.  Bush is said to be an honest man, yet if so how should he explain his happy familiarity with the other two?

Trump is pilloried as a liar, yet his falsehoods are of piddling significance compared to what these three men have told the American people to their face.  

Not happy these days with our political class.


  1. President Trump is scheduled to arrive at the golf championship on the weekend. That could be interesting.

  2. It's a new Michael Moore movie titled: "Mikkelson and the Three Stooges". Instead of "Bowling for Columbine", it's: Golfing for Palestine.

  3. The last two words are the key. Why do we as free people, allow a so called political class?

    Gerald W. Williams
