Monday, November 14, 2016

Don't step on that!

Definitely from Mars.  God forbid it's from Uranus!


  1. Might be from Uranus...but only after you've spent time in Asia.

  2. What the heck is that? I'm a marine biologist. I should know better.

    1. Dunno, I found it on someone's tumblr, but it looks legit. Probably lives at on a super deep seafloor.

    2. A marine Triologist might know what that is...


    3. A marine quadrologist...We could go on forever...

      Wait, fixed it! Pi ologist!

  3. This strange creature which is identified as another creature from another planet is actually a sea slug- also known as Melibe viridis. Sea slugs is the breed which can grow over 12 cm in length, but their most fascinating attribute is the way they feed. Sea slugs use their transparent head as an ‘oral veil’-or fishing net- to catch their prey, according to Sea Slug Forum. If another sea creature will touch the sensitive cells on the inside of the veil, it will contract rapidly, trapping the pray.

    1. There's a "sea slug forum?" Truly, the internet has become the place to go for any arcane discussion.

  4. I had a friend tell me she had tried some kind of sea slug dish at a Asian restaurant. She paused for a moment and said, I can tell by the look on your face I ate something gross didn't I?

    lollll Why yes, yes you did.
