Sunday, August 28, 2016

Another bucket list item - fishing for barn door halibut in Alaska.

Just look at those filets!  Man alive!


  1. That's a lot of halibut steaks.

  2. Fishing for barn doors is fine, just don't do what these guys did. You really don't want to eat the ones that are much over a hundred pounds. Not only are they tough and sometimes full of worms, they start to get heavy metals. Just my two cents worth from a whole bunch of summers up there fishing both for fun and as a guide. 40 to 60 lbs is kind of the sweet spot, I think.


  3. Former flyer is right. Chicken halibut are smaller and a lot better. I have caught many in Alaska while we lived there. Most mainland Alaskans go to Homer for halibut but Homer is on Cook inlet. Cook inlet has really strong tides making it impossible to reach the bottom where the halibut live, except at slack tide. There are just as many if you fish out of Seward but the tidal range is much less.

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