Friday, September 4, 2015

The first country to ban Islam is Angola

The first of many, one hopes.  I'd sure like to go back to the old days of air travel, without all the security, just because the rock worshipers want to kill me.  Nothing requires either the Angolans or the Americans, or anybody, to live with these violent people.

There are unconfirmed reports that mosques across the African country are being destroyed, according to the International Business Times.

President Jose Edurado dos Santos reportedly told the Osun Defence daily: ‘This is the final end of Islamic influence in our country.’

Along with Islam, which is a religion associated with less than 1 per cent of the population of 19 million, 194 other ‘sects’ have been banned in the nation, where more than half the population is Christian.

Ms Cruz e Silva said: ‘The legalisation of Islam has not been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights [and] their mosques will be closed until further notice.’

Clashes between Christians and Muslim people are frequently reported in the local media.

Yeah, clashes.  No one can live with them.


  1. I think Spain beat them by a few hundred years.

  2. I hope they ban it because they recognize it as an intrusive government that masquerades as a religion.

  3. I never thought I would say "Well done Angola, where you have taken the lead let all the right-thinking world follow"

    Three cheers for freedom!!!
