Monday, September 7, 2015

Obama and glaciers

Our king and tyrant, Obama, lately went to Alaska and stood in front of a glacier's tongue and declared it's retreat to be evidence of Anthropogenic Global Warming.

So how does the king explain the Hubbard Glacier, which is growing so much it threatens to cut off an arm of the sea and turn it into a lake?

Such inconvenient facts.  He should have renamed the Hubbard after Al Gore.

Let's face it, the pointy headed scientists really can't explain why one glacier grows while another contracts, but they know if they say it's because of global warming, that sweet, sweet government grant money will flow like wine.  You can't really predict the weather or the glaciers with great accuracy, but you can predict human nature.

1 comment:

  1. Global warming is a mechanism to provide welfare to universities (in the form of grants, studies, and field research). If the verdict is anything but a head bob to the popular myth, the funding is not renewed.
