Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Philippines to the United States: We Want You Back

 "In a meeting in late May at Camp Aguinaldo, the Philippines’ military headquarters in the heart of Manila, diplomatic, legislative, and military officials sought to make a compelling case to a group of journalists traveling with the East-West Center that Chinese aggression in the South China Sea, if left unchecked, poses an alarming threat to the security of the Philippines and its neighbors. “Our options are getting limited. We’re fighting for air. We’re running out of space. And our assets are deteriorating,” said Brig. Gen. Guillermo A. Molina, deputy commander of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Western Command, which responds to conflicts in the South China Sea."

Well, General Molina, two questions.

First, how did you manage to allow things to get that bad?  

Second, why is it someone else's responsibility to save your bacon?  Handle your own problems, sir, and once you have shown your determination and ability, then you might - might - have the credibility to come around begging for charity from your friends.

Having said that, the US does have interests in the area, obviously, and needs to support it's allies, but this whining helplessness is disheartening.   The  Vietnamese are    exhibiting much more gumption in gaining military capacity on their own which is getting the attention of the Chinese, and pissing them off.   That's the way to deal with the aggressive Chinese, who, like any Fascist/totalitarian government, respect only force.


  1. They threw us they want us back...

  2. to little to late

    then made their own bed. now they can toss and turn at night
